13 research outputs found

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    Oscillatory Circuits with a Real Non-Volatile Stanford Memristor Model

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    Stanford memristor model is a widely used model that accurately characterizes real non-volatile metal-oxide resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices with bipolar switching characteristics. The paper studies for the first time the dynamics and bifurcations in a class of nonlinear oscillators with real non-volatile memristor devices obeying Stanford model. This is in contrast with papers in the literature considering oscillators with ideal, abstract, or artificial memristor models, that are unable to describe physical memristors implemented in nanotechnology. One main new idea in the paper is to use the memristor as a programmable nonlinear resistor. Namely, two principal modes of operation are considered. 1) Analogue transient phase: the oscillator is designed so that in the transient oscillations the voltage on the memristor is below threshold, hence the main memristor state variable, i.e., the gap of the insulating material, is almost constant and the memristor behaves as a static nonlinear resistor. 2) Programming phase: the nonlinear characteristic of the memristor, which depends on the gap, can be changed via the application of voltages above threshold. The paper studies nonlinear oscillations in the transient phase for a fixed gap as well as the bifurcations phenomena displayed when the gap is varied. The paper also discusses the differences between the approach in the paper and those to design other memristor oscillators with non-volatile memristors

    Targeting multistable dynamics in a second-order memristor circuit

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    Circuits containing memelements (memory elements) are suitable for the design of new unconventional computational schemes. The coexistence of a rich variety of different attractors is one of the appealing property of these circuits, which has stimulated the so-called "multistability control" problem. This paper considers the multistability control problem for a circuit with a charge-controlled memristor. It is shown how pulse control inputs can be generated via an external current generator in order to drive the system dynamics from an attractor to another one in a given finite time interval

    Hybrid dynamical systems for memristor modelling: An Approach to Avoid the Terminal-State Problem

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    Leon O. Chua introduced the memristor as the fourth circuit element to complete the set of fundamental passive two-terminal elements in 1971. For a long time it seemed as if memristors were just toys in the sandbox of network heorists. The situation abruptly changed in 2008 when scientists from HP reported on a nanoelectronic device which showed a memristive behaviour. Main hopes for new opportunities and circuit concepts in the transition to increasingly smaller integrated circuits are going to be related to this discovery. For an examination of these possibilities by means of simulation a large number of memristor models has been developed in recent years. A special property of the behavioural models of memristive nanoelectronic devices is the restricted range of internal state variables. A number of tricky solutions has been developed up to now to handle this problem. In his paper we present a straightforward solution for this problem within the framework of hybrid dynamical systems

    Percorsi creativi di turismo urbano Creative paths of urban tourism I luoghi dell'entertainment nella citt\ue0 del tempo libero

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    Le specializzazioni funzionali, con mirati interventi di riqualificazione, spesso modificano gli impianti urbani esistenti per destinarli allo svago, alle attivit\ue0 ludiche, ai luoghi della cosiddetta \u201cutopia d\u2019evasione\u201d. Shopping, movida, sport, benessere, parchi urbani, spiagge urbane, acquari e parchi acquatici, bio-zoo, lunapark, water-front sono vere e proprie macchine per il divertimento dove spesso l\u2019artificiale diviene un richiamo irresistibile. Tali tendenze comportano spesso l\u2019innesco di processi di Disneyficazione dei luoghi, un fenomeno complesso con aspetti contrastanti che vanno considerati ed indagati non solo dal punto di vista strettamente turistico ma anche sociale e territoriale. Infatti il linguaggio delle immagini generato dal racconto iconografico delle cartoline, delle foto e oggi da quello narrativo del cinema e delle fiction ha alimentato la diffusione della cultura visuale della citt\ue0. Cos\uec come la Kodakizzazione che genera curiosit\ue0 e interesse per i luoghi producendo spesso delle mappe esperienziali. L\u2019immagine urbana ha da sempre risentito dello sguardo dei cineasti. Al cinema si \ue8 aggiunta oggi la proliferazione delle fiction e serie tv (per es. Don Matteo, Elisa di Rivombrosa, il Commissario Montalbano) con ritorni sorprendenti sotto il profilo delle presenze turistiche. Si tratta di una nuova El Dorado o ancora di illusioni di sviluppo per i territori